Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Friends forever?

How many times in school did you say, we will be friends forever? Take out the year book or the scrap book from that attic and glance over it. I am sure there are numerous people whom you thought as close friends but don't even know where they are today. Why is it that we mean to genuinely keep them as our friends for life, but somehow miss out on keeping that word?

Friend, a small 6 letter word......but some really end. See the last 3 letters in it. friEND. It truly makes me wonder with the number of people who were my friends, don't even exist in my life anymore.

When in school, some friends left because their parents got a job transfer. Those days, internet or cell phone or text messages were unheard of. Although they knew where we lived, never got a letter from them.
Neither did I do anything to be in touch with people after I changed school and locality. Lately, I have been trying to get in touch, but can't yet proudly say that I have succeeded. I am still trying to get back R (school), Y (old locality friend), D (another locality friend) and N (college days). 

When job changes happen, do you keep in touch with everyone? I am sure all of us have the best of intentions to do so, but finally blame it on the rat race; when we are not able to do it. We can always say; "I didn't but neither did they." But, I am not writing this to complain or playing the blame game. I am just writing what I experienced and what few of my close people have.

I think internet and social networking sites are truly a boon in this regard. Aren't we glad to search for old friends and say a hello to them? Do we not click pictures from our digital camera so that we share it with the world and listen to what they have to say, besides the fact that they are our memories? But, there's a flip side to this too. Everyone in the so called friend list gets to know where we are and what we are doing, but the people whom we are so desperately trying to search for; have no clue about this.

To ponder back on what I started with, "Some things happen in life because they are meant to teach you something. Some people came into your life, because you were meant to experience something. Time and tide wait for no one and hence the people too move on." It's in your hands to catch up with them or just watch them go.

On that note, I am glad I have some true friends in my life and would like to thank them for being there. Thanks K (school and college), K(college) and K (college and colleague)! Thanks G (school friend). Uploading a caricature found on the internet.....!


Cassandra said...
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Cassandra said...

Friends Forever :))

Anonymous said...

aww..what about me? and i hope you remain in touch with me always..

Unknown said...

Even though I agree that as time passes we tend to forget some of our friends may be sometimes most of them, but there will be always few friends whom we don't need to remember at all coz we will forget them throughout our life. I am lucky in that case to have some friends like that. btw nice post, enjoyed reading.