Why are we obsessed about becoming errr....ummmm....being fat? I am talking about those people who love to comment on others' physical appearance, completely oblivious to what's happening with their own body... We had a colleague who was fascinated by people's weight. Be it man or woman, he had to observe their curves (or what's supposed to be curves). Every other day, he would pick a bakra. He used to just walk out from his room, walk towards someone/ printer and say "Your face is bloating. You have put on so much weight. I have been observing you for quite sometime now." Well, why have you? The funniest part is the man himself looks at least 5 years older than his true age, his belly arrives 2 minutes before his feet do.
My mom used to be extremely thin in her younger days. Grandma says they could literally count mom's bones because they were so easily visible. Unfortunately, some people thought she will be that thin even when her daughter reaches marriageable age. I remember many people commenting, "You have put on little weight dear." I used to feel like replying, you don't expect her to remain the same size! Thank Goodness she's put on weight...finally! By the way, hello! you haven't shrunk either!
Coming back to where I started, with regards to that particular colleague, I am sure he was aware he was much bigger than what he ideally should be. Why did he not ever say, "I have been putting on so much weight since a long time now" ? Why was his focus on others' weight? The numerous incidents with that colleague made me ponder why are we obsessed with others' physical appearances? Obsession especially about fat people who are just colleagues, with whom we have no friendship and no relationship? What do we benefit from that? By trying to point out that others are getting bigger day by day, are we trying to deviate attention from ourselves? So, are we aware that we are big, but don't want ourselves to admit or the opposite person to point out?
While I contemplate on the above, let me also look at weight reducing activities. Its high time, I did something about my bloating body....